Blog-up, Blog-down and other Adho-Mukh ups

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

A is for....Adho Mukha Svasana

Adho Mukha Svasana/Downward facing dog
(adda- mooka shavasana)

Good for: the whole body! Stetches every muscle in the body, increases circulation, and tones & strengthens the arms and legs. Great for releasing tension in the back and shoulders.

Frequency of practice: this is a really basic one and forms part of the flowing vinyasa movements in my sun cycles. I practice this one every day.

Comments about Dog Down:
This is a great posture, and a great one to start with. Dog down looks quite easy, but in actual fact- as with many postures- it does take a while to perfect! The single most important thing is to keep your back straight, other considerations are to: have your tailbone pointing upward towards the ceiling, keep your legs working by placing your awareness on your feet, which are FLAT on the ground, and don't forget to draw your kneecaps up.

What Dog-Down has taught me
Yoga is all about awareness, and each posture has something to teach us. In every single posture you try, you'll find that it speaks to you (most people call this pain!) However, pain is a bit non-specific and usually an excuse not to do something. In my class our tutor has always been insistent upon the term 'awareness'. This means that we're not seeing pain as bad, but understanding that it's telling us something about our physical strengths and weaknesses. In case you're wondering how often the Paramedics get called out to our classes, I'll clarify that occassionally the 'awareness' is that we need to stop, and then try a modified version that best suits our capabilities! Dog down has been hugely instrumental in my understanding of my physiology. I was getting a big dip in my lower back which indicates a very flexible back, which is good, but also has it's downsides. The curve showed that because my lower back is so flexible, I was inadvertantly using it to compensate for lack of strength in the legs. So, now I know this what has changed? I purposely use my flexible back to compensate...only joking!!! No, over time, I've learnt to push into my legs and keep my focus there to prevent too much curve. This has worked, as you can see from the photo. You might notice that my head is touching the floor, whereas usually it's just facing forward...that's optional :)

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Blogger BendyGirl said...

Hi Jennidots, thanks for posting.

I had to work with this posture a LOT before I got it looking like this. I am much looser in my right shoulder than my left and consequently this made me a bit lopsided when I first started. It's corrected itself over time which I'm really chuffed about- practice makes perfect. If you feel like you can only get the full benefit after your muscles have warmed up and loosened in ashtanga etc maybe it would be good to try doing it as part of a vinyasa sequence and also working with a partner so that they can facilitate your stretch and give you feedback.

Wednesday, 21 June, 2006

Blogger BendyGirl said...

Hi Wand,

Thanks for your comment :)

Hmmmm. Good question! I was always taught this way and when I went to an Iyengar class the teacher was very particular about it because apparently it was a bench mark for where you are in the posture, so I presumed I was correctly aligned. If not and you could give me some suggestions for trying it differently then I'd be very grateful, thanks!!

Monday, 11 September, 2006

Blogger _Richard_ said...

Down dog has become hard for me five times since I've started yoga. I send energy somewhere in the body and think "yes I finally have it!", only to find another body part to activate two months later.

I love it!

Cute idea for a site, btw, the alphabet asanas.


Wednesday, 13 September, 2006


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